NARRATOR: Read Mt. 26: 17 – 19…pause…That was Thursday evening. The nation started to be busy as candidates began campaigning for the upcoming May 2010 elections. The people were still confused as to who they will vote for President of the Philippines. This time, they wanted genuine change. They wanted a president like King David, a leader who will save them from suffering due to corruption, injustice, oppression, and colonialism.
Jesus and his disciples were on their way to Sky Park to have supper together. The disciples were greatly aware of these growing tensions happening in the country. In fact they were discussing about the issues; for among all party lists, they were the ones who were greatly affected because the people were pressing on them and asking them to do “something”. So they too discussed the possibility of endorsing a fitting candidate.
Soon, they arrived into the upper room (they now enter into the scene, slowly, discussing and whispering to each other silently). They were secretly conferring to each other; and after some time, they came up with a decision. Without Jesus knowing it, they were convinced (they nod in agreement) and unanimous as to who they will endorse for presidency, and it shall be:
PETER: Jesus! (they nod in agreement)
NARRATOR: …and they all pointed to John, the beloved disciple, to inform Jesus about this.
(Jesus enters, while the apostles say “Shhh” to each one)
JOHN: Ahhh…L-L-Lord…let me tell you something. In order to solve the deep-rooted immorality in our country, we would like to ask you to run for president…
JAMES THE LESSER: (immediately after John) Jesus for president!
ALL: Jesus for president! Jesus for president!
ANDREW: Lord, we believe you’ll surely win! You can eradicate all these problems in an instant with your power! And besides, you have the numbers. People from different places kept following you!
PETER: (Known in Peter: he denied Jesus 3 times)
Lord, once you become President, would you appoint me as your PSG chief of staff? You’ll be safe in my protection. Promise, I will not leave you! I will lay down my life for you Lord! Jesus for president!
ALL: Jesus for president!
ANDREW: (known in Andrew: he is a fisherman)
Lord, if you’ll be the President, do not allow anymore any foreign fishing boat to trespass our seas! With that, you’ll be able to help our fellow Filipino fishermen! Jesus for president!
ALL: Jesus for president!
JAMES THE GREATER: (known in James: his statue now shows him riding on a horse striking a Muslim with his sword)
Lord, if you’ll become the president, declare an all-out war against all Moro rebels! Just a single drop of atomic bomb and poof! You’ll end all these terrorisms! Jesus for president!
ALL: Jesus for president!
BARTHOLOMEW: (known in Bartholomew: Jesus saw him under the fig tree…)
Wait! Wait a minute! What are you talking about?! Can anything good come out of Butuan? Well, he easily knows people just as he recognized me as an Israelite while I was under the fig tree. Surely, he could easily detect those corrupt officials in the government! Jesus for president!
ALL: Jesus for president!
Matthew: (known in Matthew: he is a tax collector)
Lord, if you’ll become the President, we’ll show to foreigners our rich and virgin forests in Visayas and Mindanao, so that they will come and invest for mining and logging operations; then they will pay big taxes and we’re going to get rich! Jesus for president!
ALL: Jesus for president!
SIMON THE ZEALOT: (known in Simon: he is a revolutionary, extreme nationalist)
Money, money, money! Why don’t you also think of our poor farmers! Lord, if you’ll become the president, support the Sumilao farmers in Bukidnon! Makibaka against the abusive landlords! Jesus for president!
ALL: Jesus for president!
PHILIP: (known in Philip: one with a Greek name)
Yes, Lord! Simon is right! Why is it that the national government always focus and develop Luzon, Luzon, Luzon! We, here in Mindanao, are like the neglected Samaritans and Gentiles! So if you’ll become the President, we will develop Mindanao and perhaps build your Malacanang in Jolo! Jesus for president!
ALL: Jesus for president!
JAMES THE LESSER: (known in James and Thaddeus: could be relatives of Jesus)
Lord, Thaddeus and I are your relatives!
THADDEUS: So isn’t it to our advantage James? Being Jesus’ relatives, I could be the next governor in Pampanga, you could be the next mayor, my wife as the congresswoman and your son as board member!
JAMES THE LESSER: Hahaha! Our whole clan will rule over Pampanga forever! Jesus for president!
ALL: Jesus for president!
THOMAS: (known in Thomas: he doubted)
Wait! Wait! My brothers, I doubt it if our Lord will really win! John the Baptist is also close to the poor, and maybe he has greater chances of winning! But since, you are closer to me Lord, I will vote for you. Jesus for president!
ALL: Jesus for president!
JUDAS: (known in Judas: treasurer of the group; money matters than the perfume)
Lord, how about the Spratly Islands? Don’t you know that we can get so much money from its oil deposits! So, run for presidency Lord! I’ll tell you, we’ll not just earn 30 pieces of silver, but 30 million pesos every week! Jesus for president!
ALL: Jesus for president!
JOHN: (context: the request of James and John)
Lord, once you become President, choose me and my brother James to sit, one at your right and one at your left. Appoint me as Senate President and James as House Speaker. Jesus for President!
(no one from the rest resonated with John, instead, a strong complain)
JAMES THE LESSER: Hey! How dare you say that?! Who do you think you are!
(The rest also shouted in anger. Then Jesus raises his hands silently in front of them, signaling them to keep quiet. Then, he proceeds to one part of the room and gets a basin of water and bends to wash the feet of Judas, and says: )
JESUS: (Mt. 20: 26 – 28) …whoever wishes to be first among you must be your servant, and whoever wishes to be first among you must be your slave; just as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life a ransom for many…
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