HEAD. HEART. HAND. These comprise my three points. One of the guest-priests brought this up during one of our sessions in Pastoral Management. He shared, based on experience, that these are the presbyter’s tools in parish leadership. So, allow me to use these three human body parts which, for me, embrace what a pastor is called to be, both passively and actively. But let me express these three points in an unorthodox manner of literature; this time, in a conversational way. The style will be very elementary, but I believe that in its simplicity there is beauty and depth in facilitating a pastor’s nourishment of his identity. This is just one parochial vicar saying through his body’s three essential parts in his daily life and ministry. More importantly, each body part will be inspired, according to its need, by St. John Vianney’s Act of Love to God…
The bells ring; a wonderful Sunday has dawned. The three yawn as they rise from bed. Then they kneel down to start another magnificent day…
HEART: “O my God, if my tongue cannot say in every moment that I love You, I want my heart to repeat it to You as often as I draw breath.”
HEAD: If I don’t cling to Him, I am nothing.
HEART: Time to celebrate Mass! I will celebrate Mass unhurriedly and full of heart.
HEART: As I sit down, I see in front of me couples dear to each other…make me smile and thank God, for I remember my overflowing gift of celibacy…”Deny yourself…and follow me.” What a joyful following! Then, suddenly, enters my past of unfaithfulness to such gift. But the Lord immediately intervenes, “I accept you as you are, you are good and precious in my eyes.” Not my fidelity to God, but God’s fidelity in me. He does not give me up. So, I’ll be aware of my boundaries. I am at home with my solitude. I will commit for healthy inclusive relationship.
HEAD: From and for God’s glory, I have prepared a good homily. Though..I can’t please everybody, well…it’s God’s work.
HEAD: I can just get money from the collection box anytime I want. But I prefer to be honest.
HAND: “The Mass is ended…” I will stay for a while to greet the people. To know them, I mingle with them. For I a presbyter, I do not just say Mass! The FR. is not just a title, it’s my LIFE!
HEART: Time for breakfast! It’s inspiring to nourish eating together with my parish priest; an excellent avenue to share, open up, dialogue of strengths and weaknesses; it’s a way of helping and understanding each other…good camaraderie!
HEAD: Now, breakfast is done. Time management is very important! PPC and PFC meeting is at 8:30.
HAND: I will attend and be there at the meeting…as a shepherd…as an example…
HEAD: Arguments arise during the meeting…discernment helps: If it’s God’s will, it will prosper. “Who are my people?” I have to know them and consult their situation and never change or impose immediately, so that they identify themselves with the project. For from it flow creative and resourceful planning strategies. When difficulties arise, I’ll be consulting my elder priests.
HEART: My zealous presence with them will hopefully enliven them.
HEAD: They need theology; so I am prepared and had done research.
HEAD: The PFC president approaches. Transparency and proper financial management!
HEART: Yes! From there, people just give and cooperate freely without me expecting and asking from them. Their trust will grow deeper and deeper. And I will acknowledge even the smallest donations.
HEAD: I am not superman, and thus I will empower lay collaborators and not get insecure by their competent skills; it’s participatory leadership. Meeting’s done, everyone’s inspired and invigorated.
HAND: Now, I’m in my office. A government official enters my office and offers help. I will collaborate and do constant dialogue and networking with them; for we share a common task: for the good and salvation of every person.
HEART: A couple-to-be-wed comes in and asks for assistance. I will not make the sacraments difficult for them.
HAND: A rich benefactor comes in and offers help. “Please don’t give for myself Madam.” I will live simply and, according to my needs, avoid excess and luxury. I won’t bring anything from the parish when I leave soon. Yes, I’ll be receiving, yet it will be very little for myself but much for the people, even the most beautiful things.
HEART: My convent staff has been so good and loving to me. They do zealously what I ask from them.
HAND: So, time for outing and unwinding…to the beach! I am used to asking and receiving. This time, I also give.
HEAD: It will not just be mere fun, but a good avenue for feed backing and assessment. Healthy maturity calls me to be open to their fraternal words.
HAND: Lunch has passed. There’s a sick call. No more siestas. Then, struggles of weariness lurk within…looking for someone to devour…ever ready to demolish every time I give in to my weaknesses.
HEART: Don’t worry…God has His own way…just be there… Hey! My batch mate sent a message! It’s giving me joy and a “tap” on my shoulder. They’re here for me! How invigorating!
HAND: I’ll be going to the farthest Chapel for a Mass there…it will not be that easy, insurgents could just kill me anytime…and how a 20-peso Mass offering compensate for my 60-peso fuel charges?
HEAD: But, no matter what, I have prepared a good homily for them, from and for God’s greater glory!
HAND: “I love You, O infinitely lovable God, and I prefer to die loving You than to live one instant without loving You.”
HEART: How vulnerable they are! I love my sheep! I can’t imagine scolding these people who have been so excited to see me… I am telling them about the forthcoming reshuffling…yes, letting go. But for now, with my sheep, allow me to openly and authentically cry. I won’t leave a statue of accomplishments here! They then say that I am better than the previous one. “No, he is unique too!” I won’t discredit my brother priests. I won’t be selfish, and so I allow them to express their gratitude through a despedida than leaving at midnight without anybody knowing it just because I don’t want to feel pain.
HEAD: It’s me learning from them, not vice versa…
HAND: My parishioners had just been struck with calamity…there was death…loss of belongings. I will go…empower my parishioners and extend help to them. “Go in peace to love and serve the Lord…”
HEART: …and embrace and make them feel that God indeed is present and one with them in their grief…
HEAD: O it’s already 4 o clock. From census, I learned that there have been bystanders standing idle everyday…and tensions from brethren of other denominations might cause more divisions…. If there’s a problem, do something; I am so inspired by Fr. Vianney’s exemplary way of doing something to get people away from gambling and other vices during his time.
HEART: Aha! Ecumenism! Creativity! Befriending them over pride and unhealthy competition!
HAND: Organize sports with them! Or music helps! They are encouraged to follow the Lord, because they experienced the love of God!
HEART: Mass at 6! I feel the emptiness in my heart whenever I couldn’t celebrate Mass. There’s a danger in leaning towards mere functionality. So, every time I say Mass, I really pray…
HAND: TO SERVE God is to risk and offer life…
HEAD: O yes! Politics issues! Threats are anywhere! But, as a pastor, I can’ help but cite morality “because I am concerned of your salvation.”
HEART: After Mass, there’s confession. I will make it heaven for them. And how unspeakably joyful it is to gaze upon a penitent comforted, consoled and reconciled back to God!
HEART: Dinner time! And with us is the bishop! He visits us! His presence itself is relieving and assuring!
HEAD: He opens up about reshuffling!
HEART: Obedience!
HEAD: Yes, there will be a conflict of my own desires.
HAND: “Thank you Bishop!” I won’t say “I can’t do anything on my next assignment,” but rather “I can do so many things!”
HEART: Whatever you say, wherever you put me, I’ll be disposed to where I’ll be led…
HEAD: Thank you Bishop for coming! Whew! What a day, isn’t it? But…what am I going to do next? I feel a space within, after all the busy-ness, here I am alone…I feel like filling this gap…
HAND: Very tempting to go to the club, drink beer, and fill the gap with my friends!
HEART: But no, tomorrow is rest day. Brother priests will gather together and play! That is my community! That is where I belong! That is also where I draw inspiration and strength!
HEAD: So…tired?
HAND: Nope! Because I enjoyed the very things I am doing! Challenging but fulfilling isn’t it?
HEART: Yes! So, let’s call it a day! Indeed, the Lord’s Day! Shall we kneel before we go to bed?
HEAD: “And as I approach my end, I beg You to increase and perfect my love of You.” Amen.
LORD: (Smiles and taps the shoulder of the pastor sound asleep) Well done My boy! I love you very much!
Since this refreshment is for every servant-leader, this will also be my identity; I am unique. With the help of the grace of God, He’ll use the giftedness He shared with me…from the rising of the sun to its setting…